The info so far.....
- The tumour has now shrunk (yay!... apparently its nearly half its original size... the radiotherapy did its job well... oh and its still shrinking!).
- My operation day is looking very much like the 5th of November.
- I will end up with a temporary Ileostomy (basically they are going to re plumb my intestines, with my small intestine being rerouted to the outside of my stomach... which means for a few months I will have a bag... sadly not Gucci, but its way better than the other option).
- I may or may not need another dose of Chemo... this will depend on the pathology results after the op.
- I will be the house guest of Hutt Hospital for about a week (give or take).
- Surgery will be open rather than laparoscopic (scars are cool eh!), and will take about 4 hours (sweet all I have to do is have a sleep).
Things are moving, and I'm hoping I'm nearing the end of this by killing and getting rid of the cancer once and for all.
On a side note... tomorrows my birthday... 37 has always been my favourite number so lets hope its a good omen that things are on the up!!! Am also hoping I'm able to enjoy tomorrow by eating ice-cream.... fingers crossed for a nausea free day!
right time to sign off and clock in my last few hours left of being a young 36 ;-)
RAG x x x
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