Sunday, 9 August 2015

Mud, sweat and "sucking it up"

I rode my Mountain bike on 'real' Mountain bike tracks for the first time in a year.... hairy, muddy, wet tracks, in the rain in 2 degrees (oh and there was a bit of snow)... and I LOVED IT!

I know this sounds a little mad, but shit it felt good. Felt the best I have been on a bike in so long (Including pre diagnosis!). It was also good for my head space, something that I need to work (that's another post).

I'm paying for it a bit today (I'm tired and feeling sick), but was so worth it! It was hard and a little scary (I was worried I wouldn't be able to do it), but I sucked it up and did it.

Now I've done it, I'm a lot more confident and will do it again.... what I learnt.... suck it up sunshine, do it and don't talk yourself out of it.

until next time, sorry I'll add photos later ( a few technical issues with my brain tonight),


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