Throughout this blog I have often talked about some of the truly amazing friends that have supported both myself and my family throughout my journey so far. The title of todays post is the name of the blog by one such friend.
I felt that her latest post sums up a lot of what I've discovered over the pat few month... getting a different perspective as to how life ticks on gives you a whole new appreciation for the little things, and no matter what happens and what plan you end up on (Plan A, B, C...) you need to keep going... giving up is not an option.

I've realised it would be very easy to sit back and give up, spend all day in bed, and sit round waiting for the pity train... I have had many people ask me why I still work and get out and do stuff when I could be at home "resting" and "having cancer". I could, but that would mean I wasn't 'winning' (Like hell I am letting cancer win anything), by working and getting out and doing stuff (abet a lot less than I would like to be doing, and I have had to learn to listen to my body and just go with the flow - wise words told to me by my coach along time ago - see I listened!) I feel I have some control in my life. I would love to have full control, and that will come (along with the energy, and physical strength)... but until then I will do what I need to do to keep moving forward (example of this was me walking home from dropping the car off at the garage the other day... its only about 1.5kn from home, but it was hot and there is a hill. Now I could have called my other half to pick me up, but I broke it down, lamp post to lamp post.... I was not going to stop... Ok I'm rather stubborn and didn't want the neighbours seeing me stopping! I made it.. slowly but I made it, with NO stops!!!).
Its all about small steps... forward.
As I'm about to sign off, I'll make note that I'm now only 4 sleeps to my next major "moving forward" moment.... my ileostomy reversal..... moving forward!!!
keep moving forward people...
RAG x x x
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