Sunday, 11 January 2015

Nudie pics

Today I posted a naked selfie of myself on Facebook....  shocked????
Well... it didn't show my face (isn't that how "all the young kids" do it???) .... and technically it actually really wasn't of me... it was of Judith.

When I first got my stoma I joined several closed groups on Facebook about Ileostomy's, and stomas, they have been my lifeline at times in terms of having others to chat with and to share and gain info, plus have the odd inappropriate joke out our "outside butt holes".

I never actually thought I would ever post a pick of Judith naked, but the other night I saw a woman's post on there asking if her stoma looked "normal", and she posted a picture of a very healthy and "cute" looking stoma. I had planned on posting pin up girl Judith on her thread to show her Judith's wonky side..... however between me doing a bag change and taking a photo someone from the closed group placed a complaint with FB stating it was offensive (ummm its a closed group for people with stomas... you would think they would know what one looked like!!).
So in protest of this person, a lot of group members "got their gear off" and group posted photos... yep, I'm a sucker for peer pressure (or maybe I just wanted an excuse to "get my gear off" and take a photo).

I guess the point of todays post is that as much as people find things related to bums, poos and all sorts of stomach stuff embarrassing and unappealing, I'm actually grateful to have my stoma (short lived it may be... Judith has now been served with a formal eviction notice of January the 21st!!!)... my stoma is a sign that my surgery was successful... meaning that my cancer was removed!

Now, I'm actually in a dilemma  at the moment.... to post said "nudie" shot on here or not to... as this is an open blog and I do realise seeing someone's small intestine sticking out of a belly is not quite everyone's cup of tea, I've decided to not post a pic. I will however if you want to know more or talk in further details about my stoma or stomas in general, or answer any questions you know how to get hold of me.

So until next time... be proud of what you have, and who you are.. get your gear off if needed, don't hide your flaws and scars...they make you who you are.

RAG x x x

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