Sorry for the very non creative title... couldn't think of anything that could sum up my news today as well as just blurting it out!!!!!
Apologies also go to my work mate who had to listen and watch my dance of joy, and my Oncologist who I cant recall if or how many time I may have used the F word in excitement during my barely 4 minute phone call with him.
So today started off like so many of the days over the past few weeks, waking up to a continued cloud of uncertainty as to exactly what is happening in my body, followed by the thought of what is going to happen to my body.
I called my Cancer nurse today when I got to work to see if she knew if there would be an appointment coming up regarding getting the MRI results from Wednesday. She informed me that the Friday Oncology MDT meeting was being held this morning and I was listed as being up for discussion, and that if she saw any appointments pop up she would call me.
Its a weird feeling knowing that your being discussed in an hours time and that other people will know more about the condition of your body than you do at this stage.
Fast forward to 11.10am my mobile goes off.... "unlisted number" (AKA the hospital). Its my Oncologist, personally calling me..... "you know how we talked and I said I would only call you if it was good news..... well, I have some good news", at that stage I think I nearly wet my pants!
So the news is.... the shadows/ masses are not cancerous, they are just blood vessels that have basically gotten themselves tangled up, they are called: Liver hemangioma (he-man-jee-O-muh). They are NON CANCEROUS!!!!!
AND.......I can now start treatment for my bowel cancer!!! this means that in just over a week or so I will be starting Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy for 6 weeks... kinda like a job, its a Monday to Friday thing (weekends off), once a day I will need to head into Wellington hospital to get my daily dose of cancer killers!
I should be glowing by the end of that!
I currently feel I have had such a weight taken off my shoulders today... while I know I have a huge uphill journey to come, I am basking in the fact that I'm only needing to battle and cause total suffering on only one cancer.
The cyclist in me also knows the concept... that you have to earn your sweet down hills by sucking it up and doing the uphill battle first...... Bring on my sweet down hill ride......
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