Friday, 1 August 2014

Limbo part 2: Adventures of the mystery shadows

Achievements for the day:
  • sorted out free parking for the hospital via the Cancer Society (these guys rock!)
  • got free ink.... well if you call 3 small dots "getting ink"  (one on each hip, and one in the middle.... yay I'm starting my own dot to dot picture!!!!)
  • made my oncologist laugh when I told him the name of my blog (and how I decided upon it... watch this space)
  • realised that I need to employ a PA to organise my hospital schedules!
  • oh and discovered that the coffee/ white chocolate Muffins at the hospital cafĂ© look better than they taste.
So my ultra sound results have come back..... however it appears that my shadows are being mysterious..... several radiographers, specialists, my oncologist, and the tea lady from level 3, all seem to be unable to decide exactly what's going on... so  its back to the MRI I go next week to see what the story is.

Apparently a lot of people have shadows like mine, but don't know about them. They can be cysts or groups of blood vessels that form "wrong", but cause no problems.
For me, because I have one confirmed cancer mass, they need to find out exactly what these shadows are so they can be treated if needed.... so I can chalk up some more scans to my tally list.

On a side note:
Despite everything that's gone on over the past few weeks, one thing I am so grateful for is how fast (there are no flies on these guys and girls) and genuinely nice all the health professionals I have dealt with have been.

any-ho.... its Friday night... time for me to curl up on the sofa and catch up with the Commonwealth games..... its all party in our house!

enjoy your weekend folks

RAG  x

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